Selection process
After receipt of CVs for the open job positions, the job applications undergo initial screening. Only applicants who best meet the basic qualification criteria are invited for a personal interview.
Personal interview is attended by the responsible manager and an HR employee.
The selection process for certain positions may consist of several rounds and be attended by a senior responsible manager. You may also be required to pass a test or an IT skills assessment during the interview.
Applicants are informed of the selection process results in writing or by phone.
If you are interested in working with Envien Group, please send us your structured CV to the e-mail address
For current vacancies, please visit
The advertising company of all job offers is ENVIRAL, a. s..
Students and graduates
We support students in gaining practical experience as early as during their studies by offering them various programmes/activities.
We attend open days at schools or various school events to introduce students to the work environment and inform them about the possibility of applying their specialization in practice.
The theory taught is also accompanied by excursions to the production companies ENVIRAL, a.s, MEROCO, a.s, and Poľnoservis, a.s, where students learn about production technologies on site. Excursions are carried out under pedagogical supervision of the school and in cooperation with the relevant production technologist. The scope is always defined based on the curriculum.
If you are interested in an excursion, please contact us by e-mail at 7.
Students of secondary schools and universities have the opportunity to attend our traineeship programme and gain precious knowledge directly in the production. .
Practical teaching by way of a traineeship programme is conducted based on a contract with the school. The traineeship programme is then implemented based on the requirements of the school.
If you are interested in the traineeship programme, please contact us by e-mail at 7.
Practical teaching by way of an apprenticeship programme is provided based on a contract with the school and an apprenticeship training contract with the student..
For more detailed information and the fields of study available in the relevant year, please contact us by e-mail at 7.
Fields of study:
2697 K machinist, electrician, block A heavy-current engineering
Elaboration of final theses
We offer students the opportunity to elaborate their final theses (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD) directly in the plant, which helps them to gain practical knowledge and give us the opportunity to look at a specific issue from a different perspective.
Students may choose the topic for the thesis either from those offered by the university or upon agreement with the company based on its production programme.
For more detailed information about the options for the relevant year, please contact us by e-mail at 7.